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Yes, we can do it, if we can’t, it can’t be done.

Shine Ndebele
Shine Ndebele

A multi-award winner with 10 awards to her name which are; .1) Breakthrough newcomer winner 2022-Zimbabwe Achievers awards.2) Best small and medium enterprise finalist 2022- Eastbourne Business Awards.3) Best healthcare specialist recruitment winner 2022/23-Cooperate Coaching and recruitment awards.4)Breakthrough newcomer finalist 2022-women in business in UK.5)Best healthcare specialist winner 2022 –Global Awards.6)Breakthrough new newcomer award winner 2022- UK business awards.7)Best third sector health care recruitment agency winner 2022-UK business awards.8)Specialist recruitment firm of the year 2022 -Southwest England Prestige.9)People’s choice award winner 2023 –Zimbabwe achievers awards.10)Trailblazer award winner 2023-Female founders Middle East and Africa.

Meet Shine Ndebele, a woman who wears many hats, a nurse by profession, a pastor of a faith-based church, an Author, a serial entrepreneur, a final student (MBA-Entrepreneurship) & CEO of Good News for Life companies.

What do Good News for Life companies offer:

First, there is Good News for Life Ltd United Kingdom-deals with international and local recruitment of health care professionals (Doctors, Social workers, radiographers, nurses and carers). It offers Domiciliary care services, ⁠business consultancy services and ⁠IELTS coaching. Secondly, there is Shine Private Ltd UK which deals with hair products, cosmetics and clothing. In Zimbabwe, there is Good News for Life Trust (Not for profit). Purchases chemotherapy meditation for patients diagnosed with cancer and Promotes awareness campaigns in rural areas. Also, there is Good News Events – we hire equipment services decor and catering. We also provide decor services. M&S Healthcare trains carers and provides concierge nursing services. We have nurses and carers ready to look after ill patients within the comfort of their homes. M&S driving school.

What inspired you to start your entrepreneurial journey?

I have worked with various non-governmental organisations back home in Zimbabwe and at some point, I wanted to start something and give back to the community. When I migrated to the UK and I needed some time off as I wanted to visit Zimbabwe, where I was working my manager told me ‘I can’t as the business couldn’t survive without me at that point’. This came as a shock, and when I was denied that time off, it made me sit down and think. This made me realize that I had so much to offer, if I was giving 100% for someone’s business, I could Channel that towards my company and that resulted in the birth of these companies. As I was looking at starting this journey, I looked at my professional background and hence most of the things I’m doing are healthcare-related, I had to align this with the passion and skills that I have.

 What Challenges have you faced as a woman in the startup World?

Being a woman and building your name up hasn’t been easy in the business world, proving to the world that you can do what men do as well are some of the challenges I have encountered. Entering into a competitive industry, where there are already existing businesses and having to get clients and customers that believe in your product or brand has been one of the challenges, competition is there and will always exist but bringing our services in a different way, that will attract customers and give our clients a quality service that’s what we have been working and thriving to maintain always. & I want to thank God for my family who have been my number one supporter.

What drives your decision now, as opposed to when you first started?

Bringing change and solution to my community is what drives me now. Additionally, leaving a legacy for my boys that even when I’m gone, they can still live and keep it going drives me to keep pushing. I’m not scared of anything now. If an idea drops into my spirit and I feel like I can go with it I pursue it.  I’m not scared of a new venture, in business you need to try different approaches and evaluate if it works for you or not, at the end of the day it’s not only about profits but the impact that you bring to the world as well.

Are there any processes, practices and programs that are currently helping succeed that you would share with other women?

I have been mentoring women who want to start their businesses. I have also written a book on How to build a successful business that outlines the process of a running a business and what I encountered throughout my journey as a new entrepreneur entering in the business world. In 2024 we will be having business showers where women will come together, pull resources and support those who want to start their own businesses, I will also continue the mentorship program and networking events.

How has your companies made a difference in the world? How are you measuring your impact?

We have offered a life time professional experience. To the students who have been trained by our healthcare school as they have been groomed to offer quality healthcare services to all the patients that they will come across with throughout their journey. In regards to the driving school, we have managed to help our clients attain driver’s license. We are producing safe and well-trained drivers. Events industry we strive to celebrate and create long lasting memories that families will always cherish.

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